22 February 2025
2020/05/07 - 13:21 View: 954

Campaign for professors and students

Campaign for professors and students of Persian literature In all universities around the world for No Corona No Sanctions

In the Name of the Lord of both Wisdom and Mind


The role and status of Persian language and Iranology academics and students in promoting and extending the thoughts of great Iranian figures are public knowledge. These figures have been the most significant couriers of one of the most beautifully peaceful ideologies in the global poetry, literature and culture.


While the universal coronavirus disaster is leading to the global concern and extensive panic, its horror will be doubled when coupled with ‘medical discrimination’.


With the contribution of academics, students and ‘Iranologists’ in Iran and abroad, the “No to Sanction Corona-Fighting Iran” campaign is designed to urge the US Administration to lift medical sanctions on the civilized and cultured Iranians. The campaign has been welcomed unprecedentedly in first days of its launch and 130 individuals have joined and signed the petition so far. The petition will be open by April 8, 2020.


Iranian and non-Iranian students and academics willing to join the campaign and contribute to its presentation to the international cultural entities including UNESCO may send their full names along with the names of their universities or research institutes to the Telegram Messaging App ID: @notocronavirus or email notocronavirus@gmail.com.


No to Sanction Corona-Fighting Iran!


We, the group of Persian language and literature academics and students as well as ‘Iranologists’ and devotees of the Iranian history and civilization proudly considering ourselves as enthusiasts and promoters of pure, culture-based and humanitarian thoughts of Cyrus the Great, Rudaki, Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Saadi, Hafiz and other distinguished figures of civility, wisdom and virtue, believe that in a world devastatingly hit by the mysterious coronavirus, the people living in the despondent days of coronavirus need love, hope, empathy and compassion more than any other time.


Since the genesis of the history, the Persian culture, civilization and literature have stressed on love, compassion between human beings and altruism and have deemed the humans as “members of a whole”. Saadi instructed us:

If you have no sympathy for human pain,

The name of human you cannot retain,


Patience and tolerance in the Rudaki’s poems, Ferdowsi’s pacifying epic, Rumi’s humanitarian spirit, Attar of Nishapur’s and Sanai’s divine love and Hafiz’s worldly and celestial love represent and seek this reality that the basis of creation is based on love and wisdom and the wellness and health of all humans depend on one another.


Iranian great mystic Abu al-Hassan al-Kharaqani beautifully said:

From Turkestan to the gate of Levant, if one is to hurt by the thorn in their toes, that pain is mine; and from Tark to Levant, if one is to block by stone, that loss is mine; and for pain in one’s heart, that agony is mine.


Battling with one of the outlandish pandemics, the world needs friendship, love and hope more than ever. Whereas the coronavirus stops us hugging and shaking hands, the world’s inhabitants need to urgently break the talisman of this black demon hand in hand – as no single country is able to suppress this globally detrimental virus.


Dear acquaintances and aficionados of the lasting civilization of the Orient,

Now, the Iranian people and the health workforce have risen in two fronts to fight this global catastrophe. One the one side, they devotedly defend the pitiable Iranians against the coronavirus around the clock and on the other side, they are struggling gloomy restrictions and impasse of sanctions and discriminations. Pulling the wall of sanctions down and bringing medicine and anticoronavirus-related equipment to Iran are the most urgent and humanitarian steps one needs to take.


We, the masters a nd scholars of Persian-Dari-Tajiki language and ‘Iranologists’, call on all scientific elites and to world’s human culture’s and civilizations’ enthusiasts to assist the Iranian people, doctors and nurses in this arduous and life-risky battle and say ‘No’ to sanctions and discriminations with one voice – loud and clear.


We loudly shout ‘No to Sanction’ as testimony in the pages of history and invite companionship and compassion of the influential culturalists and sages from the four corners of the globe. In the midst of the bitter and disastrous coronavirus-related news, we are all ears to the eloquent and sweet message of wise Ferdowsi:

Neither good nor bad shall ever sustain,

Hence, better to remember the goodness,

While bastinado’s hand is over evil,

Be beneficent, if you are sensible,

If doing beneficence, the goodness shall after you,

If doing evil, the wickedness shall after you



List of signatories



  1. Dr. Sheik Ishtiaq Ahmad (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
  2. Dr. Seyyedeh Belgheis Fatemeh Hosseini (Emeritus, Persian Language and Literature, Delhi University)
  3. Dr. Mahdi Baqerkhan (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, New Delhi University)
  4. Dr. Rajender Komar (Chair, Persian Language and Literature Department, Delhi University)
  5. Dr. Z. Haidar Alavi (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, LucknowUniversity)
  6. Dr. Hossein al-Zaman (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Delhi University)
  7. Dr. Samie-al-Deen (Professor, Persian Language Department, Kolkata University)
  8. Dr.

Khorshid Ahmad (Professor, Persian Language Department, Zaker Hussein College)

  1. Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Vani (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature)
  2. Dr. Mina Babazadeh (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran Culture House in New Delhi)
  3. Dr. Kobra Ma’soumi (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran Culture House in New Delhi)
  4. Dr. Mahboobeh Mehmankhah (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran Culture House in New Delhi)
  5. Mohmmad Haidari (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Hyderabad)
  6. Dr. Hamid Ghalandari (Writer, Researcher, Dean, PNU, India)

Dr. Seyyed Ali Mousavi (Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Ladakh University)

  1. Dr. Seyyed Mozmel Mousavi (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature)
  2. Ehsan-al-Allah Shokr-al-Allahi (President, Persian Language Research Institute, New Delhi)
  3. Ms. Gita (B.A. Student, Persian Language and Literature, Aligarh University)



  1. Dr. Anvar Abbas Majid (Chair, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  2. Dr. Qazi Shoveil (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  3. Dr. Sami Abdol Hassan A’bd (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  4. Dr. Damak Qasim (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  5. Dr. Abdol Jabbar Mahmoud (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  6. Dr. Abdol Aziz Rashid (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  7. Dr. Hossein Ali Abbas (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  8. Dr. Rahim Mazhar (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  9. Dr. Fatema Javad Abd (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Baghdad University)
  10. Dr. Amir Kazim Abbas (Chair, Persian Language and Literature, Kufa University)
  11. Dr. Mohammad Qasim Khalaf (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  12. Dr. Rana Ali Majid (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  13. Dr. Nahleh Davood Soleiman (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  14. Dr. Aqil Abdol-Hossein Mohammad (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  15. Dr. Majid Malek (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  16. Dr. Omar Amin Abd-al-Abbas (Professor, Persian Language and Literature)
  17. Dr. Ifan Karim Shenavah (Professor, various Iraqi universities)
  18. Dr. Maki Khaled Abd-al-Razaq (Professor, various Iraqi universities)
  19. Dr. Hesam Abd-al-Hassan A’bd (Professor, variou s Iraqi universities)
  20. Dr. Yahya Khalaf Al-Boka (Professor, various Iraqi universities)
  21. Dr. Hatam Jasem (Professor, Mosul University)
  22. Dr. Zia Badr Zamel (Professor, Al-al-Beyt Univeristy, Karbala)
  23. Dr. Jasem Radam Mahmoud (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s cultural Center, Baghdad)
  24. Taghi Defai (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s cultural Center, Baghdad)
  25. Dr. Davi Yousef (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s cultural Center, Baghdad)
  26. Dr. Nazek Ghassem Mohammad (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature)
  27. Dr. Abbas Khalif Alavi (Researcher)
  28. Dr. Hassan Ali Sefr Shoun (Professor, Kurdish Language, Baghdad University)
  29. Ahmad Hiravi (Lecturer, Persian Language)
  30. Zainab Nouri Sadeghi (Lecturer, Persian Language)
  31. Nejat Khazarji (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, various research institutes, Baghdad)
  32. Ishvan Sadoughi (Lecturer, Persian Language)
  33. Hussein Sa’davi (Lecturer, Persian Language)
  34. Hussein Mohi Al-Taei (Chair, Center for Persian Language and Literature)

53 Zainab al-Moslamvi (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s cultural Center, Baghdad)

  1. Dr. Ghasan Samsim (President, Hayat al-Nofus Institute)
  2. Muhammad Abd-al Razaq (President, Al-Ata’ Institute for Persian Language and Literature)


Lebanon and Tunisia

  1. Dr. Zainab Haribi (Professor, Persian Language, Iran’s Counsellor in Tunis; Deputy, Al-Mahdi Resrach Complex (Lebanon) in Qom, Iran)
  2. Manaf Abbasi (Tunisian M.A. Student, Architecture, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran)
  3. Dr.

Ez-al-din Abbasi (Professor, Tunis University; Theater critique)

  1. Malik Saeid Binus (Professor, 9th April University)
  2. Zahra Daridi (Professor, Sousse University)
  3. Dr. Abir Monif (Optometrist; Tunisian Persian Language Learner, Iran’s Cultural Consulate and Saadi Foundation)
  4. Sandrous Marzoughi (Tunisian M.A. Student, Persian Teaching to non-Persian Speakers, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran)

63 Najla Morabet (Professor, Arabic Language and Literature; Persian Language Learner, Iran’s Cultural Consulate)

  1. Dr. Moni Ba’zavi (Tunisian Poet; Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s Cultural Consulate)
  2. Ayat Zein-al-Din (Lebanese M.A. Student, Persian Teaching to non-Persian Speakers, Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran)



  1. Dr. Ruhollah Hadi (Chair, Persian Language and Literature Department, University of Tehran)
  2. Dr. Ebrahim Khodayar (Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University)
  3. Dr. Dariush Zolfaghari (President, Language and Paleograhy College, Cultural Heritage Organization)
  4. Dr. Soroush Sepehri (Lecturer, Persian Literature, Alborz Province)
  5. Dr. Zahra Dari (Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University)
  6. Dr. Zainab Koushki (Lecturer, Persian Teaching to non-Persian Speakers, Saadi Foundation)
  7. Dr. Mohammad Mansour Tabatabai (Associate Professor, University of Tehran)
  8. Dr. Zohreh Jaberi Nasab (Assitant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azzad University)
  9. Dr. Parisa Izadi (Lecturer, PNU and UAST)
  10. Dr. Ali Mohammad Moazeni (Chair, Persian Language and Literature Department, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran)
  11. Dr. Saber Emami (Professor, Ahvaz University)
  12. Dr. Hossein Hajari (Faculty Member, SAMT)
  13. Dr. Ahmad Khajeim (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University)
  14. Mohammad Dehnad (Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University)
  15. Dr. Esmaeil Amini (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature; Humor columnist)
  16. Abdol Jabar KAkaei (Poet)
  17. Saed Bagheri (Poet)



  1. Dr. Ali Guzel Yuz (Chair, Persian Lanaguage and Literature, Istanbul University)
  2. Seyed Abbas Naji Hossein doost (President, Center for Persian Language and Literature, Iran’s Cultural Consulate)



  1. Dr. Maserat Parvin Mousavi Safavi (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Kashmir University)
  2. Dr. Assad-al-Allah Assad (Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Kashmir University)
  3. Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Kosar Ja’fari (Lecturer, Persian Language and Literature)



  1. Ghahraman Soleimani (Iran’s Cultural Counsellor, Moscow)



  1. Saeed Safari (Lecturer, Persian Language)



  1. Khalil Sa’ad-Allah Doralit (Lecturer, Persian Language)



  1. Abolghasem Mokhtarian (Iran’s Cultural Counsellor)



  1. Mr. Shapouri (Iran’s Acting Cultural Counsellor)



  1. Nayef Al-Shamiri (Learner, Persian Language)



  1. Yusef Zabir (Learner, Persian Language)


Côte d'Ivoire

  1. Mr. Dastgheib (Director, Iran- Côte d'Ivoire Friendship Group)



  1. Ms. Gholami (Lecturer, Persian Language)



  1. Dr. Yahya Abid (Chair, Persian Language, Sana'a Univeristy) (On behalf of all Yemenis)



  1. Hamid Mohammadi (Iran’s Cultural Counsellor in Berlin)



  1. Dr. Alikarji (Lecturer, Persian Language, Iran’s Cultural Consulate)



  1. Maryam Miri (Lecturer, Persian Language)



  1. Wafaq ul Madaris Al-Shai
  2. Dr. Salim Mazhar (Professor, Persian Lanague and Literature)
  3. Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Shahed (Chair, Persian Language and Literature Department, GCU, Lahore)
  4. Dr. Zahra Kazemi (Chair, Persian Language and Literature Department, Lahore College for Women University)


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